Latest News & Events

Mansfield Kinship Coffee Morning
The kinship coffee morning is an informal group that offers time that is just for YOU with the promise of;

Managing Emotions
This workshop is open to families effected by substance use and their loved ones, to help them to: Understand that

Expert by Experience- Benefits of Complimentary Therapies
Theme – Benefits of Complimentary Therapies. Coffee, Chat and Meditate with Carmel Harkness. Venue: Hetty’s, 23 Woodhouse Rd, Mansfield NG18

County Support Workshop YUM2
This workshop is open to families effected by subtance use and their loved ones, to help them to : •

Recovery Speaker
Hetty’s provide support for those affected by someone elses substance misuse. Theme ‘ Recovery Speaker’ Come and join our friendly,

Bassetlaw Kinship Coffee Morning
Bassetlaw kinship coffee meet is an informal group that offers time that is just for YOU with the promise of;

Expert by Experience- Tough Love & Addiction
Hetty’s provide support for those affected by someone else’s substance misuse. Come and join our friendly, free and confidential group

Ashfield Kinship Coffee Morning
The kinship coffee mornings are informal groups that offer time that is just for YOU with the promise of; a

Kinship worker Craig here…
I have just happened upon this beautiful, powerful video that explains briefly but powerfully what kinship caring is and how